Thursday, September 6, 2007

HW 2: Politics and Blogging?

Toward a More Participatory Democracy

The chapter Politics and Policy Toward a More Participatory Democracy discusses politics in a way we’ve never heard of. You would think that most politicians would use the newspapers, news and magazines to campaign, but in fact, some are starting to use blogs. The chapter talks about how the media has been giving us false information, misinterpretation and exaggeration. There were only social blogs, not political until recently. The political life mentioned that “no one reads blogs”. Blogs were basically for young adults. Now, that has all changed. Almost six months after the 2004 elections, blogs sites were being visited 11 million visits per month. So the media and blogging eras have defiantly changed. It seemed like the media just wanted to make money, because of all the lies that they make just to draw an audience in. It seems that they don’t care about relaying the real news, it all about the money and the publicity that they get. The chapter expresses that the media is not fair nor balanced. The news is trying to compete with reality TV shows and entertainment.
Blogs is now the new “newspaper” in politics. Politicians are actually taking advantage of the blogging system and using it to campaign. In my opinion I think that it should go back to the old fashioned posters and newspapers. Blogging should be left to the teens and young adults. All people do is spread animosity. I don’t think that it’s worth all the trouble and fighting. I personally like blogging, but I’m also not a politic. I think that the politicians should not argue about positions on the internet. I just don’t think that it is there place to campaign. Politicians are not the kinds of people who have respectful conversations to each other. Until they can be civilized people, then they can feel free to campaign on the online blogging sites. But until then I would leave blogging up to the teenagers.


Tracy Mendham said...

Is this HW 3?

Kerri's Blog! said...

yes this is HW 3

Tracy Mendham said...

This offers some summary of Kline's chapter and your own response to it, as the assignment requests.
Work toward having a little more precision in how you discuss author's ideas and a text. For example The chapter Politics and Policy Toward a More Participatory Democracy discusses politics in a way we’ve never heard of. It's actually David Kline who discusses politics, and the reader might not know what you're assuming they've never heard of.
Also, when you summarize a source over several sentences, remember to keep referring back to the author or title so that the reader knows that you're still presenting the author's ideas and not your own. Blogs are becoming more relied on than the mainstream media, as Burstein notes, because people...